Norgren started at the kitchen table of North American entrepreneur and industrialist Carl Norgren. But the company went on to change the face of pneumatic motion control technology. Innovation has been part of Norgren from the beginning. Not long after the company was founded in 1925, Norgren had already begun designing what would become the world’s first inline lubricator. And, by 1927, Norgren was already becoming a major global manufacturing company, known for its pneumatic motion control technology. In 1972, Norgren was acquired by IMI plc. Today, IMI Norgren is still renowned as an unrivalled range of high-quality, premium pneumatic and electric motion control products, including actuators, air preparation components, valve islands, control valves, pressure switches and fittings.

Norgren - IMI Norgren Cylinder - RT/57220/M/25

Norgren - Pressure Control Valve VP5010BJ111H00 (Norgren)

 Norgren Products

 All Products

Pneumatic actuators-Air Preparation-Directional Control Valves
Vacuum-Fittings-Switches & Sensors-Proportional Valves
Safety Valves-Products by Industry-Fluid Control Valves