Gesint-Hydrostatic Level Tranmitter Gesint BL

Gesint-Hydrostatic Level Tranmitter Gesint BL

Level Tranmitter


The BL device, when paired with our APS probe, functions as a level transmitter specifically designed for monitoring liquid levels in open tanks. The APS probe features a Ø16mm pipe that is open at the bottom end and equipped with two pneumatic connections at the top. One connection links to the BL transmitter, while the other connects to an air flow regulator responsible for maintaining a constant input air pressure.

Within this setup, the input pressure to the transmitter undergoes conversion into either a 4-20mA or 0-10V signal, effectively indicating the liquid level in the tank. Notably, the transmitter includes two independent relay thresholds that users can adjust using the onboard programming button, offering flexibility in customization and control.


  • 24VAC/DC switching
  • 2va / 1,8w max


Use for industry.



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